Thursday, March 8, 2007

November 15, 2006

Today I made my first payment to my student loans. I also spent money on paying on credit card debt and dealing with over 15 clients in one day. I have dogs now that depend on me, everyday, and what seems like every minute while I am at home. When I am on my computer they give me a guilt trip by barking at me every five seconds to get off and play with them. It is very hard to get things done sometimes. They even follow me into the bathroom when I shower or just need to pee. It is quite interesting how attached they have become. I love them a lot and don't mind, for the most part, but I feel more and more grown up everyday.

I would like to now talk about my new job. I love the job for the most part, except talking on the phone. I am not sure I am allowed to talk about this on the whole world wide web, but basically, people start arguements about strange things. When I walk around stores and anywhere public and I see people that remind me of some of these people I am on the phone with and I cringe. I really, truly love what I am doing, but sometimes, on days like today and yesterday I just feel like I am not made out for being a people person. I know, and so does my boss, that you cannot please everyone no matter what you do, especially if they are like the people I talk to everyday. Maybe I am just paranoid or maybe I am too soft, but it really affects me when they get really upset about things like me not calling them at the right number, etc. I am getting to be more tough, like my boss instructed me to be, but I have a lot more work. I was actually told to be more rude to my clients and to show them that I know more about this than they do, which I do. I just needed to rant for a bit. So here it is. I can go on more, but Im not sure how much I trust the blog atmosphere for that. I dont want to be dooced :-)

I have a homework assignment today for work. It wasnt assigned so I would do it at home, it was assigned so my boss knows that we arent screwing around while she is at an SES conference in Vegas. I dont have time while at work so I have to do it at home. I will probably start as soon as I get done with this. Unless, of course, my pups decide to bring on the barking brigade and distract me. :-)

Back to being a grown-up now, I like it, for the most part. I do not like the fact that I dont automatically get paid days off for the day after thanksgiving, or even the day off in general. People were very excited when it was announced today that we got a paid day off for the day after christmas. Maybe I am just used to having a leinant schedule, like in college. Things change, but at least now I get paid to eat on Thanksgiving.

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